Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Alfred Chicken - CD32RP Episode 2

It's time for another episode in our new video series: The Amiga CD32 Review Project. The project started off by taking a look at the travesty of a game that is Akira, but I assure you that the game we have been looking at this time is worth your time. Feast your eyes on the wonderful puzzle/platformer game called Alfred Chicken.

I hope you enjoy watching the video - please leave a comment either here or on YouTube if you have any questions or comments.

Until next time... stay retro!


  1. Nice review! Love the addition of the old magazine reviews. (to say nothing of course of that awesome intro.) :)

  2. great review Mads.. I am really loving these reviews you are doing.. and salivating about the games you will be covering soon :-)
