The Turrican game series started in 1989 when german developer Manfred Trenz created the first demo level on his Commodore 64 - the full game was released on the C64 later on in 1990. Turrican was a very popular game series on the C64 and Amiga back in the early nineties, known for both its high graphical standard and its excellent soundtracks. Super Turrican was developed for the SNES by Factor 5, who also did the Amiga version of the original Turrican in 1990.
To whet you appetites for this excellent game, take a look at the following YouTube video:
This popular title is quite expensive it seems, but fortunately it is available on the Wii Virtual Console for 800 Wii Points, so if you don't want to shell out the money for a real copy of the cartridge, you can still join in on the fun.
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