Saturday 22 February 2014

Welcome to the RGC

Welcome to the blog of the Retro Gaming Club, or the RGC as we like to call it! This is the first post in what will hopefully be a long list of blogposts about our club happenings.

The RGC is a collection of friendly gamers who hang out in the forums of the excellent Retro Game Squad podcast. There we each month decide on a game, that we will be playing together and discussing on the forum for the entire month. The friendly folks at Retro Game Squad play along and then dedicate a section of their podcast to discuss the "community pick of the month".

We try to constrict the games we play the following platforms: NES, SNES, N64, Sega Master System, Sega Mega Drive / Genesis, Sega Saturn, PSX, TG-16, Gameboy, and Gameboy Advance.

If any of this sounds interesting to you, head on over to the forums and join us!

PS: If you are confused about this being the "first" blog posts while there are posts below it on the page, that is because I am in the process of adding a single post for each game that we have already played in the RGC, so that you can see what we have been up to so far ;-)

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